Физические характеристики
Mass;2,3 kg
Payload allowed mass;3,7 kg
Dimensions;100х100х340,5 mm (100x100x376,5 mm with Tuna Can)
Power bus;7…8,4 В
Command bus;2 х CAN, UART
Mass storage capacity;5 х FRAM 8 Mbit, 1 х MRAM 16 Mbit, 1 х NOR Flash 512 Mbit, 2 х SPI NOR 256 Mbyte
Quantity of solar panels;up to 12 (Si)
One panel peak power;1,7 W
Battery type;Li-Ion 2S 7200 mAh
Battery capacity;50 Wh
Command communication;half-duplex, frequency range 435–438 MHz, 2-GFSK (option – convolutional coding 1/2), data rate 2400, 9600 (downlink), 57600 bps (uplink);
High-speed communication;simplex (downlink), frequency range 10,45–10,5 GHz, DVB-S2 standard: modulations BPSK, QPSK, 8PSK, 16APSK, 32APSK, coding LDPC + BCH 1/4, 1/3, 2/5, 1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 6/7, 8/9, 9/10, data rate 250 Mbps
Maximum transmit power;32 dBm
Command communication antenna type;turnstile
High-speed communication antenna type; patch antenna array
Attitude determination and control system (ADCS) sensors;magnetometer, solar sensors, PIR, IMU, GNSS receiver
ADCS actuators;magnetic coils, reaction wheels
ADCS modes;B-Dot, 1-axis orientation, 3-axis orientation
Knowledge accuracy;up to 1˚
Pointing accuracy;up to 1˚
Payload volume;95х95х180 mm
Payload allowed voltage;unstabilized battery voltage 7…8,4 V, stabilized voltage 3,3…12 V for regulated channel
Payload interface;CAN (command), configurable LVDS (data interface), others available on request
Average payload power (orbit depending);2 W
Maximum payload power (orbit depending);15 W